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여행업의 끝모를 추락
- 캐나다 한국일보 편집팀 (editorial@koreatimes.net)
- Nov 26 2020 04:08 PM
Tourism sector sinking into bottomless pit
*The tourism industry is suffering an unprecedented crisis caused by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic.
장기화된 코로나19 대유행으로 인해 여행산업이 전례 없는 위기를 겪고 있다.
*Travel companies, hotels and airlines are laying off employees or having workers take unpaid leave, as no one is able to predict when the crisis will be over.
사태가 언제 끝날지 아무도 예측하지 못하는 상황 속에 여행사, 호텔, 항공사는 직원들을 해고하거나 무급휴직에 들어가게 했다.
*According to Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) data, Tuesday, the workforces at the country’s six listed travel companies has decreased by 7.8 percent, or 400, to 4,758 as of the end of September compared to the end of last year, due mainly to worsening business performances.
금융감독원 자료에 따르면 9월 말 기준 국내 상장 여행사 6곳의 근로자 수는 4,758명으로 지난해 말보다 7.8%(400명) 줄었다.
*Staff at the nation’s largest tour agency HanaTour and runner-up Modetour Network have been reduced by 5.8 percent and 7.9 percent, respectively, while smaller firms, Yellow Balloon Tour and Redcap Tour, have seen 13.6 percent and 10.8 percent decreases in the number of employees.
국내 최대 여행사인 하나투어와 2위 모두투어의 직원은 각각 5.8%, 7.9% 줄었고, 중소기업인 노랑풍선과 레드캡투어는 각각 13.6%, 10.8% 감소했다.
*Amid the protracted public health crisis in and outside the country, HanaTour has continued to report an operating loss this year - 27.5 billion won for the first quarter, 51.8 billion won for the second and 30.2 billion won for the third, with other companies having faced a similar situation.
코로나바이러스가 장기화되는 가운데 하나투어는 올해 1분기 275억원, 2분기 518억원, 3분기 302억원의 영업적자를 기록했고 다른 업체들도 비슷한 상황에 직면했다.
*HanaTour put most of its employees on unpaid leave for six months in June, which was supposed to end this month, but it has been extended for another four months until March next year, as there is currently no sign of travel demand seeing a recovery.
지난 6월 하나투어 직원 대부분이 6개월간의 무급휴직에 들어갔고, 이달 말 끝날 예정이던 무급휴직은 여행 수요의 회복 기미가 안보이자 내년 3월까지 4개월 연장됐다. 코리아타임스 홍지민
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캐나다 한국일보 편집팀 (editorial@koreatimes.net)