매장관리 | 평일근무 | 오전타임 | ||
전체지역 | 시급 | 시급협의 |
Employer: DAKGOGI
25 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON M4Y 2S9, Canada
Job Title: Cook
Job Duties:
Prepare and cook Korean food on the menu of the restaurant; Prepare and cook Korean food specially ordered by customers with dietary needs or instructed by manager or chef; Order supplies and equipment; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment.
Terms of employment: Permanent
Wage: $16.00 hourly for 30 hours per week
Benefits: 10 days of paid vacation provided
Location of work: The above employer’s address
Contact Information:
Send resume to dakgogi2014@gmail.com
Education requirement: Not required
Work experience: Experience for 1 year or more as Korean food cook required
Person legally authorized to work in Canada only
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