구인구직 알바천국

Hyundai Canada Inc (Hyundai Corporation) 에서 영업사원을 채용 합니다.
HYDaiToronto (milik**@hyundaicorp.com) | 조회 : 1957 | Jun, 07, 05:51 PM
기타업종 평일근무 시간협의
전체지역 시급 시급협의


Please go to the website to get the information about the company before applying:

Hyundai Canada Inc. (HQ: Hyundai Corporation: http://www.hyundaicorp.com)

The Toronto branch, covering Eastern Canada, participates in business transactions in various fields. Based on the global network of Hyundai Corporation, the Toronto branch makes every possible effort to create new business opportunities, gives customers constant confidence and becomes their faithful business partner.

[Qualification & Requirements]

  • Bilingual in English & Korean.
  • Sales experience is an asset.
  • Comfortable with MS Office software.
  • Must have own vehicle & valid driver's license.
  • Education: University / College
  • Ability to multitask and switch focus quickly

[Required Documents]

  • Resume
  • Cover letter

(Please send resume and cover letter to jhan@hyundai.ca and milikim@hyundaicorp.com)

[Wok Location]

  •    North York (Toronto)

(If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted by email.)

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