
Basement, Yonge & Finch, 1 Bed $1,500/month
SukHong (sukhon**@gmail.com) | 조회 : 2029 | Apr, 30, 06:07 PM
지역 Toronto-Downtown 월 $1000미만 남자만
흡연자가능 주차가능 애완동물 가능

including High speed WiFi Internet,  Move-in ASAP available

30% Utility Bill payment by Tenant (Toronto Hydro, Gas, Water and Waste Treatment)

Independent unit with Separate Entrance Door, 1 bed, 1 bath, Kitchen, Washer & Dryer

Hardwood floor in the living room.

Recently purchased brand new Suite Door, Refrigerator, Dish Washer

2 spacious Closets, Hardwood Floor, Clean, Tidy, and Calm

Residential area, and No commercials, Step out to access to Yonge street, 24-hr METRO supermarket, Community center & Conveniences, near Nursery Center

Walk distance to Finch subway station & Bus stop

Newly painted bright-colored walls

Top-ranked school zone 


[from April to October] Street Parking in front of house

[from November to March] Landlord pays Parking Fees (monthly) per use located near house

No Pet, No Smoking

YouTube    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMJxaPrdFuU&feature=youtu.be

sukhong8@gmail.com  [Charly]

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