
고등학교, 대학수준 영어 글쓰기 튜터 / Academic English Essay Writing Lessons
Eric Kim (kimcade**@gmail.com) | 조회 : 769 | Jul, 15, 06:22 AM

Learn English essay writing from an experienced academic and researcher.

Online lessons for convenience, as well as a custom lesson plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Prepare for secondary or university-level writing before the semester starts!

How it works:

One lesson a week involves having students write and submit an essay, which I read, edit, and discuss with the student over a live video call. Past essays, notes, and worksheets are saved online, so you can access them anytime.

The core curriculum covers:

Module 1: Grammar

  1. Parts of speech
  2. Phrases and clauses
  3. Punctuation
  4. Pronouns
  5. Verbs
  6. Transitions

Module 2: Structure

  1. Intro to essays
  2. Thesis
  3. Introduction
  4. Body paragraphs
  5. Conclusion

Module 3: Writing

  1. The writing process
  2. Flow
  3. Logic
  4. Rhetoric
  5. Sourcing

To learn more, go to www.kimcademy.com.

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