
** English-Speaking Teacher (영어 튜터) teaching speaking and exam preparation. Nine (9) years of Experience. Competitive Rates
관리자 (viin**@koreatimes.net) | 조회 : 1290 | Aug, 22, 07:34 PM

** English-Speaking Teacher (영어 튜터) teaching speaking and exam preparation. Nine (9) years of Experience. Competitive Rates


-Canadian University Asian Department Degree Holder

-English-Speaking Tutor who has learned Korean for several years

-Teaches speaking, IPA, grammar and the TOEIC/IELTS/CELPIP

-Has nine (9) years of Experience

-Has taught many students from Korea



Top Teacher for Top Results한국어를 몇년 동안 본격적으로 공부한 적이 있고한국어 문법발음억양을 아는 튜터와 같이 영어 발음문법을 1-on-1으로 배우실 생각도 있으시죠?


대답은 라시면편하게 메일 (쪽지가 아니고주세요:



(광고는 본인이 한국어로 썼어요)


(가격은 이하를 참고하세요)

저는 캐나다 3대 명문대학교중의 하나를 우수한 성적으로 Asian Department학과를 졸업하고 한국어일본어를 다 유창하게 할 수 있는 영어튜터입니다.


문법한국말문법과 영어문법의 중요한 차이점한국학생들이 자주 잘못 쓰는 문법어회상의 미스을분석해 드릴게요. (conditionals, subjunctives, causatives, passives, phrasal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, common idioms/set phrases, tenses/aspects, prepositions/conjunctions)


발음: Konglish의 발음이 아니라 Standard Canadian English Pronunciation으로한국인의 특유한 발음 문제억양( intonation) 문제연음( liaison)문제등을 효율이 좋게 지적해 드릴수 있습니다발음을 가르춰 드리는 데, IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)를 쓰기 때문에단어의 발음을 하나씩 안기할 필요가 없어지고아무단어나 발음할 수 있게 되도록 철저하게 지도해 드릴 계획입니다특히 한국학생들한테 있어서 발음하기 어려운 (ch, j, z, p, b, r, l, i, ae)음성을 중요시하면서 계통적으로 가르쳐 드릴 수 있습니다.


일상/비즈네스 영어 회화비즈네스와 언어학이 전공이었기 때문에natural usage of phrases/words, sentence and word order, business correspondence letters, resume writing등의 정확한 적는 방법부터, business 어휘, TOEIC/IELTS English 문법까지 가르쳐 드릴 수 있습니다.


원어민이 아닌 재외동포튜터라든가아니면 한국말을 전혀 못하는 튜터등이 아니라한국말을 할 수 있고경험과 실력이 많은 캐나디언 영어 선생님과 본격적으로 영어능력을 향상시키시고 싶으시다면연락하십시오.

(전문은한국친구가 아니라캐나다인인 본인이 쓴 글입니다)


I can teach you one-on-one (or in private groups), so you will have your tutor's full attention when learning.


More than nine years of experience in teaching students English from Korea, Japan, France, Taiwan, the Netherlands. When you take a lesson from me, you will be able to see some of the comments from my past students.


Top teacher for top results.




Rates for Personal learning are as low as: 


University Student Discount: $75/3hrs per week


Professionals: $90/3hrs per week




An Introductory Lesson can be provided to serious students



Corporate Learning Plans are also available.




Introductory lessons (individual trial or group trial) are provided to serious students. Top teacher for top results


- Please inquire through email. Address: apple9@live.ca



Have you thought of learning English from an experienced Canadian English Tutor (who graduated from a top Canadian university, majoring in Business and Asian Languages) who speaks and writes university-level English?


If you are looking for a teacher with experience teaching Korean students, feel free to contact me.


I have learned Korean for several years, so I am familiar with the mistakes that Korean students make.  I know exactly the pain that one must endure in order to learn a foreign language. My program focuses on proper pronunciation (through IPA, mainly focusing on the over-usage of aspirated sounds, glottal stops, and misuse of certain vowels in English by Korean students) and speaking (through analysis of errors and grammatical expressions).


During speaking sessions, I try to let my students understand their mistakes to correct them. I encourage my students to speak in confidence and learn as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me through email if you are interested.


Thank you


Please inquire through email. Address: apple9@live.ca

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