구인구직 알바천국

Windsor - Sales Operation and Office Administrator
SimonHong (in**@h1accounting.com) | 조회 : 694 | Dec, 09, 04:39 PM
매장관리 평일근무 오전타임
전체지역 시급 시급협의


Windsor의 EV Battery 공장건설에 참여한 회사에서 Sales  operation and Office Admnistrator를 구인하고 있습니다. 

아래의 Responsbilitiies 와 Qualification 참고 하시구요. 관심있으신분들은 이력서를 simon.hong@h1consulting.ca로 부탁드리겠습니다.   감사합니다!!    



·         Maintaining and updating sales records, customer databases, and generating sales reports.

·         Process invoices and manage accounts payable and receivable.

·         Manage data entry and other record-keeping tasks.

·         Oversee the day-to-day functioning of the office, ensuring that administrative processes run smoothly.

·         Review and update office policies as necessary to reflect changing needs

·         Provide regular office operations reports to management and identify areas for improvement

·         Support the recruitment, onboarding, and training of new employees


·         Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).

·         Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.

·         Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

·         Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively.

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